I was secretly hoping the little swarovski star would fit inside the circle. It didn't. And then I decided it was ok, because it looked good anyway :)Chain and circle pendant are from Michaels, Swarovski star I found online. Once again, if anyone has any suggestions for great sites to buy stuff, or any particular etsy sellers, please let me know.
I'm not a huge fan of large crowds but when I saw Michaels was having a great boxing day sale (actually it was for the whole week) I had to check it out. It was open until 9pm though, so I went after dinner, and it was heaven! There was barely anybody in the store, which allowed for optimum shopping. A few collections were half price, so I had to haul some of that. The only thing I bought for full price was the crimp beads. So I got all of this for just under $40! :)